Braces that are virtually invisible
Clear Aligners show off your smile, not your braces. Nothing is as important as a genuine and heartfelt smile. Whether in your professional life or when you are out socialising, an attractive smile can make you feel happier and more relaxed – as well as making the right impression!
If you’ve ever thought about how improving your smile could help you to feel more confident, Clear Aligners might be for you. With the Clear Aligners technique you can have the smile you always wanted, without traditional metal braces.

Say no to bulky braces with Invisalign®, Smartee®
Braces are suitable for both teenagers and young adults, but Cassidy & McCreesh understands that the older you are, the less appealing traditional braces can seem. Clear Aligners allows you a subtle way to transform your teeth that won’t be noticeable when you smile. If you are interested in this subtle style of teeth straightening treatment, get in touch today for a consultation.

Why choose Invisalign®, Smartee® ?
Clear Aligners can help to treat a variety of orthodontic concerns and studies have shown it can be better for your dental hygiene during treatment as well. In addition to the aesthetic and comfort advantages, Clear Aligners offers a number of significant clinical benefits including:
Predictable treatment - as Clear Aligners is planned in advance your dentist can more accurately predict when your treatment will be finished
Improved periodontal health through better dental hygiene during treatment
No metal allergies due to not needing to use brackets and wires
Easier to plan treatment with our software
Custom manufacture means a tailored match for your teeth, reducing irritation and scratches

Considering Invisalign®, Smartee®treatment for your teeth?
Call us now on
028 6632 5545
You can also arrange a consultation with Cassidy & McCreesh via the contact form below.